Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Melacacia welcomes BJD into her world!

Yes, I have branched out into the world of Ball Jointed Dolls... Blythe is still my #1 girl, of course, but these dolls have so much possibility with their poseable bodies.... the photographer in me couldn't resist :)


She arrived with a broken foot, unfortunately, so I had to work around that during her photo shoot today. Once I get the part to fix it, I will take some more photos (the ones I have envisioned in my mind require both feet :)


She came with some cute clothes, but no dresses or long sleeved things... so I tried making a pattern out of a Blythe pattern I created a couple of months ago and adjusting it to her measurements (she is 5 inches taller than Blythe and much larger all over). I am so happy with how it turned out!





eeeep! So excited with the possibilities here :)


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ah she is beautiful! Welcome to my second world which as you know some of my little bjd. girls would say is not such a separate world from blythe. I hope you were able to fix her foot or will be able to soon.

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