Sunday, April 28, 2013

Ingrid found a home ♥ Thank you for all the interest!

I am starting with my sweet Ingrid.

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This was her original description, when I created her on 11/11/11:

"This sweetheart is my newest addition, Ingrid.  She is made of a bunch of random parts that were pieced together.   Two different SBL plates (both slightly damaged, poor baby), an EBL eye mech, a PN body, and a beautiful two toned alpaca scalp that I commissioned Pip to do for me (Thanks, Pip!).
Ingrid is named after the singer, Ingrid Michaelson, and her song "Be OK" with all of her "broken parts"  ;)

Here is the song:

Ingrid is happy to "be OK" now  ^__^ and happy to meet you all!"

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Ingrid Michaelson herself acknowledged my Ingrid doll on her Twitter page in 2011.   That was super exciting :D

Ingrid is a complete Melacacia Custom Blythe Doll
Her custom work includes the following:

Completely sanded and all new faceup was created
Her mouth, eyes and nose were carved/reshaped
All of her eye chips were replaced.  She has 3 sets of my signature hand painted eye chips and one set of stock brown chips
She was boggled, gaze lifted, and sealed with multiple coats of MSC flat.
Beautiful multi toned reroot by Piparrot
Pure Neemo body

As you read in her original description, she has issues, which was the inspiration behind her.  She was made out of a different mix of parts that had accumulated from other doll parts, etc, over time.  So, here are the issues in detail:

Both of her plates have damage to the top, where it meets the scalp:

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Other than that, she is a beautiful girl and I know she would bring much happiness to someone out there.  She is very special to me and I hope she finds a loving home  :heart:

I will send her dressed in something pretty :)

Please contact me with any questions.  I will be adding more of my girls as soon as I work up the courage.   If you have an offer on one of my girls, please contact me.  Please don't be upset if I say no, I may not be able to let go of these girls afterall  ;)

Thank you!

Contact me:


1 comment: said...

Really awesome. I love this Blythe doll and I just collect my new blythe doll at PIJ. Now I wanna to collect this one from there. Its really fantastic.

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