Sunday, October 7, 2012

Blair ~ Melacacia Custom #117

Blair is a sweet little girl who lives in the woods
Every October she feels drawn to the tops of the trees to live amongst the birds.
By instinct, she knows that she must sleep high up in a nest under the moonlight until All Hallow's Eve has passed.
Frightened by what might happen if she ignores her instincts, she watches from above as all the other children celebrate with costumes and candy.

Her listing will be live from 5 p.m Sunday October 7th through October 14th, 2012


sujiaf said...

She is amazing *3* I love her make up ! C:
higs from Poland ;3

Unknown said...

So mysterious! Her eyes, clothes, everything is amazing. You are so talented!
xoxo from Poland too :)

 photo envye.jpg
envye blogger theme