Friday, July 20, 2012

Demi Dallas ~ My donation to the Blythecon raffle

My Middie custom is finished and ready for Blythecon!
I have named her Demi Dallas temporarily, until her new human gives her a better name. Demi (meaning half or small) and Dallas because that is where Blythecon is! :D
Melacacia Middie Custom Blythe with Human Hair.

Includes Melacacia Hand Painted Eye Chips and Angel Dress

Must be present to win. Who will be her lucky winner? I can't wait to find out! ^__^

Wednesday, July 4, 2012


I will be offline until July 15th, so if you try to contact me, I will reply when I am back online ♥ Thank you! Everyone have a great week! ^__^
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envye blogger theme