Saturday, September 18, 2010

Tokori ~ Owl Spirit.

Tokori ~ Owl Spirit, originally uploaded by meℓacacia.

Melacacia Custom #75

Fully customized Blythe Doll

She is the spirit of a beautiful owl who lived long ago but is now extinct
Though the beautiful owl will never live in the flesh again
Her spirit will live on forever in Tokori....

Friday, September 17, 2010

Coming Soon

Coming Soon, originally uploaded by meℓacacia.

WIP... Almost finished! She is just waiting for her stand and accessories to be completed :)

Her name is Tokori, meaning "Owl Spirit"

More info coming soon ♥

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Coming Soon :)

Coming Soon :), originally uploaded by meℓacacia.

I am still working on her stand, accessories, and finishing her dress...

My camera issues are not making this easy :)

Monday, September 13, 2010

This is the last picture that my camera took :(

My camera has officially stopped working and I am so lost without it!! I feel like I can't see. I thought I had fixed it today when it let me take this photo, but then it stopped functioning again :(
So please be patient with me over the next few days (hopefully not weeks!) while I get my camera fixed.

Yes, Teagan is in the process of getting a make-over :)

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Sacramento Area Blythe Meet

Sacramento Area Blythe Meet, originally uploaded by meℓacacia.

We had a great time and hopefully can get together again soon!

 photo envye.jpg
envye blogger theme